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May 2024 Updates
Perviously posted on a Twitter thread:
An idea I wanted to resurface from the Highland Park Public Transformation Plan was a closed-loop 0.75-mile bike path around HP Elementary & Park. It would be a major attraction for families & kids.

The loop would take advantage of the already ridiculously wide roads (36 feet!) that surround HP Elementary & Park. Limited construction is necessary. We just need some green paint and bollards/barriers. As you can see in photos, no one who lives here parks here.

Only 650 feet (16% of proposed loop) would be in front of single-family homes. There are 11 homes on this block. 10 of them have private, on-property parking. The rest of this loop is in front of the school and park. Parking should not be an argument against this idea.

The next step of this plan would be connecting the loop to Westcrest Park. This would be very easy. There is a direct shot from the loop to Westcrest Park on Cloverdale. What an incredible setup it would be to bike around the school/park and to safely get to Westcrest. A network!

Yet another step: connecting all of this to the plan's proposed redesign of Henderson Ave SW. Again, this would be built on existing wide roadways that are almost never utilized for parking. Just green paint and bollards are needed to make a transformative difference!